Solitude 2023
Solitude 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

Break through 2023
Break through 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

The Abyss 2023
The Abyss 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

River 2023
River 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

The Bark of Shame I
The Bark of Shame I

Mixed media on linen paper

The Bark of Shame II
The Bark of Shame II

Mixed media on linen paper

Solitude 2023
Break through 2023
The Abyss 2023
River 2023
The Bark of Shame I
The Bark of Shame II
Solitude 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

Break through 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

The Abyss 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

River 2023

Japanese watercolors on linen paper

The Bark of Shame I

Mixed media on linen paper

The Bark of Shame II

Mixed media on linen paper

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